
post Disposable Apps For cinema and presentations

Martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Raul Sensato a eso de las 8:47 pm

Customized, ephemeral and precise apps
for cinema, advertising, events and presentations:


Mobile content adapted to art direction and corporate identities.


Instead of generic flexibility, we deliver one-use, meticulous and accurate apps.


Pixel-perfect apps built for the actual phones, tablets and devices that will show them.

Why us

Experience: we have built digital presentations since 2000, from big-sized Satellite TV broadcasted shows to private corporate events, in venues throughout Europe.
Expertise: we have authored apps and digital content for award-winning films in Europe and America. Our latest work include Pieles (Spain, 2017), Toc Toc (Spain, 2017) and Solo se vive una vez (Argentina, 2017).
Proximity: we are always by your side through video conference and remote desktop tools.

Clasificado como: lo_digital

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